Prof. dr. ir. Gijsbert Ooms

professor of fluid mechanics

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1964 -1969

  • R. Kronig, G. Ooms and P.J. Rijnierse
    On the displacement of the energy levels of atomic systems in strong radiation fields; Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Forhandlingen 37 (1964) 63-68.
  • G. Ooms
    The modes of an open resonator with plane circular mirrors; Applied Scientific Research 19 (1968) 198-212.
  • G. Ooms
    On the electromagnetic theory of the modes of an open resonator with plane circular mirrors; Optik 27 (1968) 426-437.
  • G. Ooms
    On the polarization state of an open resonator with plane circular mirrors; Optik 29 (1969) 410-415.

1970 -1979

  • G. Ooms and H.L. Beckers
    The flow of a rigid core surrounded by an annular liquid layer through a horizontal tube; Applied Scientific Research 26 (1972) 312-334.
  • G. Ooms
    The hydrodynamic stability of core-annular flow of two ideal liquids; Applied Scientific Research 26 (1972) 147-158.
  • G. Ooms
    Fluid-mechanical studies on core-annular flow; Thesis Technische Hogeschool Delft, 1971.
  • G. Ooms, P.F. Mijnlieff and H.L.Beckers
    Frictional force exerted by a flowing fluid on a permeable particle, with particular reference to polymer coils; Journal of Chemical Physics 53 (1970) 4123-413
  • P.F. Mijnlieff, W.J.M. Jaspers, G. Ooms and H.L. Beckers
    Information for the permeability of polymer coils in solution determined directly by ultracentrifugation; Discussion of The Faraday Society, 1970.
  • G. Ooms, H.L. Beckers and P.F. Mijnlieff
    A new approach to the calculation of frictional coefficients of polymer molecules in solution; IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Leiden, 1970.
  • G. Ooms
    A new method for the calculation of the plume path of gases emitted by a stack; Atmospheric Environment 6 (1972) 899-909.
  • G. Ooms
    A new method for the calculation of the plume path of gases emitted by a stack; VDI- Berichte Nr. 200 (1973) 35-43. Werkgroep Verspreiding Grondemissies; Verspreiding grondemissies in het stedelijk gebied;
  • Toekomstbeeld der Techniek
    Mens en Milieu deel 2, s-Gravenhage, 1973.
  • G. Ooms, A.P. Mahieu and F. Zelis
    The plume path of vent gases heavier than air; First International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industry, The Hague, 1974.
  • G. Ooms and M. Wicks
    Concentration fluctuations in a turbulent jet; Applied Scientific Research 30 (1975) 381-399.
  • G. Ooms, G. Groen, D.P. de Graag and J.F. Ballintijn
    On turbulent pipe flow with heat transfer and chemical reaction; Chemical Engineering Science 33 (1978) 357-363.
  • G. Ooms, G. Groen, D.P. de Graag and J.F. Ballintijn
    On turbulent pipe flow with heat transfer and chemical reaction; Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference, Toronto, 1978.
  • G. Ooms
    Coherente structuren in turbulente stromingen; Delftse Universitaire Pers, Delft, The Netherlands, 1979.
  • G. Ooms
    Coherente structuren in turbulente stromingen; De Ingenieur 91 (1979) 681-686.


1980 -1989

  • G. Ooms and A.P. Mahieu
    A comparison between a plume path model and a virtual point source model for a stack plume; Applied Scientific Research 36 (1980) 339-356.
  • G. Ooms and A.P. Mahieu
    A comparison between a plume path model and a virtual point source model for a stack plume; Seminar on Modelling Techniques for Air Pollution, Genova, 1979.
  • T.J. Sluman, H.R.E. van Maanen and G. Ooms
    Atmospheric boundary layer simulation in a wind tunnel using air injection; Applied Scientific Research 36 (1980) 289-307.
  • G. Ooms, A. Segal and A.J. van der Wees
    Core-annular flow of a high-viscosity core and a low-viscosity annulus through a horizontal tube; Fifteenth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Toronto, 1980.
  • R.V.A. Oliemans and G. Ooms
    Core-annular flow of oil and water through a pipeline; Multiphase Science and Technology, volume 2, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1986.
  • G. Ooms, A. Segal, A.J. van der Wees and R.V.A. Oliemans
    Core-annular flow of a very viscous oil core and a water annulus through a horizontal pipe; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 10 (1984) 41-60.
  • G. Ooms and F.G.J. Absil
    On the suspension mechanism of small heavy particles in a horizontal turbulent boundary layer flow, pipe flow or channel flow; Third Austrian-Italian-Yugoslav Chemical Engineering Conference, Graz, 1982
  • H. Fondse, H. Leijdens and G. Ooms
    On the influence of the exit conditions on the development of a free, round, tubulent jet; Applied Scientific Research 40 (1983) 355-375.
  • G. Ooms and N.J. Duijm
    Dispersion of a stack plume heavier than air; IUTAM Symposium on Atmospheric dispersion of Heavy Gases and Small Particles, Delft, 1983.
  • J.M.G. Kunen, G. Ooms and P.J.J. Vink
    On detection methods for coherent structures in turbulent flows; Eighth Biennial Symposium on Turbulence, Rolla, 1983.-
  • G. Ooms, A. Segal, S.Y. Cheung and R.V.A. Oliemans
    Propatation of long waves of finite amplitude at the interface of two viscous fluids; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 11 (1985) 481-502.
  • G. Ooms and H. Tennekes
    Atmospheric dispersion of heavy gases and small particles; Springer Verlag, 1984.
  • A.S. Bos and G. Ooms
    Particle collision theories applied to agglomeration in suspension; Applied Scientific Research 42 (1985) 265-277.
  • A.M. Talmon, J.M.G. Kunen and G. Ooms
    Simultaneous flow visualization and Reynolds stress measurement in a turbulent boundary layer; J. Fluid Mech. 163 (1986) 459-478.
  • H. Visscher, A.K. Chesters, J.C. van Muiswinkel and G. Ooms
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of the signal from a resistivity probe in a two-phase flow; Meeting of the EFChE Working Party Multiphase Fluid Flow, Wien, 1984.
  • R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms, H.L. Wu and A. Duijvestijn
    Core-annular oil-water flow: the turbulent-lubricating-film model and measurements in a 2-inch pipe loop; SPE Middle East Oil Technical Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, 1985.
  • Li Xiao-Yun, H.L. Leijdens and G. Ooms
    An experimental verification of a theoretical model for the dispersion of stack gases heavier than air; Atmospheric Environment 20 (1986), 1087-1094.
  • R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms, H.L. Wu and A. Duijvestijn
    Core-annular oil-water flow: the turbulent-lubricating-film model and measurements in a 2-inch pipeloop; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 31 (1987), 23-31.
  • R.A. van Santen, J. Keijsper, G. Ooms and A.G.T.G. Kortbeek
    Role of interfacial energy in zeolite sysnthesis; Seventh International Zeolite Conference, Tokyo, 1986.
  • G. Ooms and R.A. van Santen
    On the relative stabilities of zeolitic silicas; Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 106 (1987) 69-71.
  • F.G.J. Absil and G. Ooms
    The entrainment of particles by a turbulent spot in a laminar boundary layer; First European Turbulence Conference, Lyon, 1986.
  • G. Ooms, R.A. van Santen, J. den Ouden, R.A. jackson and C.R.A. Catlow
    On the relative stabilities of zeolitic aluminosilicates; J. Phys. Chem. 92 (1988) 4462- 4465.
  • G. Ooms, R.A. van Santen, R.A. Jackson and C.R.A. Catlow
    The relative stability of zeolite frameworks; International Symposium on Innovation in Zeolite Materials Science, Nieuwpoort, 1987.
  • J.J.M. Geraets, A.K. Chesters and G. Ooms
    Centrifugal scaling of isothermal gas-liquid flow in horizontal tubes; Yugoslav Congress of Chemical Engineering, Dubrovnik, 1987.
  • G. Ooms, R.A. van Santen, P.H.M. Budzelaar, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen and E. Drent
    Two centre repulsion energy effects in carbon-monoxide and ethylene insertion reactions; to be submitted to Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas.
  • R.A. van Santen, G. Ooms, C.J.J. den Ouden, B.W. van Beest and M.F.M. Post
    Computational studies of zeolite framework stability; Shell Conference on Computer-Aided Molecular Modelling, Hoenderloo, 1987.
  • R.A. van Santen, G. Ooms, C.J.J. den Ouden, B.W. van Beest and M.F.M. Post
    Computational studies of zeolite framework stability; National ACS Meeting on Advances in Zeolite Synthesis, Los Angeles, 1988.
  • G. Ooms, P.H.W.M. Daverveldt, D. Roekaerts, P.J.M.M. de Smedt, A.J. Weisenborn and B.U. Felderhof
    Turbulence and the process industry; Second European Turbulence Conference, Berlin, 1988.
  • B.U. Felderhof and G. Ooms
    On the effective mass density of a suspension; Physics of Fluids 7 (1989) 1091- 1097.
  • B.U. Felderhof and G. Ooms
    Effects of inertia, friction and hydrodynamic interactions on turbulent diffusion; Eur. J. Mech. 9 (1990) 349-368.
  • B.U. Felderhof and G. Ooms
    Influence of hydrodynamic interactions on turbulent diffusion; International Symposium on Turbulence Modification in Dispersed Multiphase Flows, San Diego, 1989.
  • J.J.M. Geraets, A.K. Chesters and G. Ooms
    Centrifugal scaling of isothermal gas-liquid flow in horizontal tubes; Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 2 (1988) 13-18.
  • M.E. Van Kreveld and G. Ooms
    Natuurkunde op het Koninklijke/Shell-laboratorium, Amsterdam 1914-1989; Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, juni 1989.
  • R. Postma, R.A. van Santen, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, E. Drent and G. Ooms
    Quantumchemical calculations on organometallic reaction steps; Poster presented at the symposium Changing the face of research , Amsterdam, 1989.


1990 -1999

  • G. Ooms and B.E. Kampman-Reinhartz
    Influence of drill pipe rotation and eccentricity on pressure drop over borehole during drilling; Eur. J. Mech. 15, no. 5 (1996) 695-711.
  • G. Ooms and W.M.M. Schinkel
    Effect of turbulence on hydrodynamic interaction and diffusion in a suspension; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 98, Lyon, France, 8-12 June 1998, pp. 658-665.
  • G. Ooms and W.M.M. Schinkel
    Effects of particle properties on turbulence intensity of a suspension; Published in Advances in Turbulence VII , editor U. Frisch, Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 0-7923-5115-0), 273-277, 1998.
  • A.C.T. Aarts, G. Ooms, K.J. Bil and E.T.C. Bot
    Enhancement of liquid flow through a porous medium by ultrasonic radiation; Society of Petroleum Engineers, paper SPE 50594, August 1998.
  • A.C.T. Aarts and G. Ooms
    Net flow of compressible viscous liquids induced by travelling waves in porous media; Journal of Engineering Mathematics 34 (1998)435-450.
  • G. Ooms and G.H. Jansen
    First results of a new method to calculate closure relations for turbulent dispersed fluid-solid flows; Published in Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation 1999 , editors G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco and R.K. Shah, Edizioni ETS (ISBN 88-467-0177-1), 117-123, 1999.


2000 – present

  • G. 0oms and G. H. Jansen
    Particles-turbulence interaction in stationary, homogeneous, isotropic turbulence; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 26 (2000) 1831-1850.
  • G. Ooms and B.E. Kampman-Reinhartz
    Influence of drill pipe rotation and eccentricity on pressure drop over borehole during drilling; Society of Petroleum Engineers, paper SPE 56638, presented at the 74th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, USA, 3-6 October 1999.
  • A.C.T. Aarts, G. Ooms, K.J. Bil and E.T.C. Bot
    Enhancement of liquid flow through a porous medium by ultrasonic radiation; SPE Journal 4no4 (1999) 321-327.
  • G. Ooms, J. Pietryga and C. Poelma
    Turbulence modification by small particles; experimental verification of a theoretical model; poster presented at the 8th European Turbulence Conference, 27-30 June 2000, Barcelona, Spain.
  • G. Ooms and S. Guet
    On the importance of modelling and numerical simulation of practical flow problems from the oil industry, paper presented at the conference Computer codes for fluid mechanics organised by the French Society of Hydraulic Engineering, 11-13 September 2000, Paris
  • G. Ooms, J. Gunning, C. Poelma and J. Westerweel
    Influence of particles-fluid interaction on the turbulent diffusion in a suspension, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 28(2), 177-197, 2002.
  • G. Ooms, J. Gunning , C. Poelma and J. Westerweel
    Influence of particle-fluid interaction, particle-particle hydrodynamic interaction and finite-particle size on the turbulent diffusion in a suspension; paper presented at the ERCOFTAC conference on the Dynamics of Particle-Laden Flows ; Kappel, Switzerland; 3-5 July 2000.
  • F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and G. Ooms
    Turbulence in the year 2000; looking back and ahead; ERCOFTAC bulletin, March 2000.
  • M. van Werven, G. Ooms, B.J. Azzopardi and H.R.E. van Maanen
    Modeling of annular-dispersed wet-gas flow through a venturi, paper presented at the 4th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, 19-23 November 2000, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
  • G. Ooms and B.E. Kampman-Reinhartz
    Influence of drill pipe rotation and eccentricity on pressure drop over borehole with Newtonian liquid during drilling; SPE Drilling and Completion, 15 (4), 249-253, December 2000.
  • G. Ooms and S. Guet
    On the importance of modelling and numerical simulation of practical flow problems from the oil industry, La Houille Blanche (1) 30-33, 2001.
  • G. Ooms
    Some interesting multiphase flow problems from the industry; invited keynote lecture presented at the 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flows; May 2001, New Orleans.
  • M. van Werven, G. Ooms, B.J. Azzopardi and H.R.E. van Maanen
    Modelling wet-gas annular/dispersed flow through a Venturi; AIChE Journal, 49 (6),1383-1391, 2003.
  • C. Poelma and G. Ooms
    Influence of hydrodynamic interactions between particles on the turbulent flow in a suspension; paper presented at the International Conference on Multiphase Flow; New Orleans, USA; 28 May-1 June 2001.
  • S.Guet, G. Ooms and R.V.A.Oliemans
    Influence of inlet conditions on the transition from non-dispersed bubbly flow to slug flow in a vertical pipe; paper presented at the International Conference on Multiphase Flow; New Orleans, USA; 28 May-1June 2001.
  • S.Guet, G. Ooms, R.V.A.Oliemans and R.F.Mudde
    Bubble injector effect on the airlift efficiency in a 72mm diameter pipe; AIChE-journal, 49(9), 2242-2252, 2003.
  • P.Poesio, G. Ooms, S.Barake and F.van der Bas
    An experimental and theoretical investigation of the influence of high- frequency acoustic waves on the flow of a liquid through a porous material; paper presented at the EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on Reservoir Rocks; 30 April-4May 2001; Pau,France.
  • P.Poesio and G. Ooms
    Experimental and theoretical investigation of the ultrasonic cleaning of the near well-bore region of an oil reservoir, published in Nonlinear Acoustics at the Beginning of the 21st Century, editors: O.V. Rudenko and O.A. Sapozhnikov, 2, 1229-1232, 2002.
  • P.Poesio, G. Ooms, S.Barake and F.van der Bas
    An investigation of the influence of high-frequency acoustic waves on the flow of a liquid through a porous material; Journal Acoustical Society America, 111(5), 2002, 2019-2025.
  • G. Ooms and C.Poelma
    Comparison between a point-particle model and a finite-diameter-particle model for the particle-turbulence interaction in a suspension; paper presented at the EUROMECH 421 colloquium Strongly-Coupled Dispersed Two-Phase Flows, 10-12 September 2001,Grenoble, France.
  • P. Poesio, G. Ooms, A. Schraven and F.v.d. Bas
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of acoustic streaming in a porous material; Phys.Rev.E., 66 (2002) 016309.
  • C. Poelma and G. Ooms
    Influence of hydrodynamic interactions between particles on the turbulent flow in a suspension;  Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26 (6-7), 2002, 653-659.
  • S.Guet, G. Ooms and R.V.A.Oliemans
    Influence of inlet conditions on the transition from non-dispersed bubbly flow to slug flow in a vertical pipe; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26 (6-7), 2002, 635-641.
  • G. Ooms, C. Poelma and J. Westerweel
    On the hydrodynamics of a turbulent suspension, paper presented at ETC-9, Southampton, UK, 2-5 July 2002.
  • V.S. L vov, G. Ooms and A. Pomyalov
    Effect of particle inertia on the turbulence in a suspension, paper presented at the ERCOFTAC conference Small Particles in Turbulence , 11-13 March 2002. Seville, Spain.
  • R.V. Fortunati, S.Guet and G. Ooms
    Accuracy and feasibility of bubble dynamic measurement with four-point optical glass fibre probes; paper presented at the 11th Symposium on Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • C. Poelma, J. Westerweel, H. Rotteveel and G. Ooms
    PIV in dispersed two-phase flow; paper presented at ETC-9, Southampton, UK, 2-5 July 2002.
  • P. Poesio, G. Ooms, A. Schraven and F.v.d. Bas
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of acoustic streaming in a porous material; Poromechanics II, (2002) 763-768, editors: J.-L. Auriault et al., Swets & Zeilinger, Lisse, (ISBN 90 5809 394 8).
  • P.Poesio, G. Ooms, M.E.H. van Dongen and D.M.J.Smeulders
    Removal of small particles from a porous material by ultrasonic irradiation; Transport in Porous Media, 54 (3), 239-264, 2004.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Formation and ultrasonic removal of fouling particles structures in a natural porous material; Journal of of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 45 (2004) 159-178.
  • V.S.L vov, G. Ooms and A.Pomyalov
    Effect of particle inertia on the turbulence in a suspension; Phys.Rev.E. 67(no:4) article no:046314, April 2003.
  • S.Guet, R.Fortunati, R.F.Mudde and G. Ooms
    Accuracy and feasibility of bubble dynamic measurement with four-point optical glass fibre probes, Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 20 (3), 219-230, 2003.
  • P.Poesio and G. Ooms
    Influence of ultrasonic waves on flow through porous media: experimental and theoretical study. Paper presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Physicochemical and Electromechanical interaction in Porous Media, 18 – 23 May 2003, Rolduc (The Netherlands), May 2003.
  • M. van Werven, G. Ooms, B.J. Azzopardi and H.R.E. van Maanen
    Modeling of annular-dispersed wet-gas flow through a venturi. Paper presented at the 11th Flomeko, 12 – 14 May 2003, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • S.Guet, G. Ooms, R.V.A.Oliemans and R.F. Mudde
    Coupling between velocities and void fraction profile in a vertical bubbly pipe flow. Paper presented at the 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, 24-28 August 2003, Toulouse, France.
  • G. Ooms, C. Poelma, V.S. L vov and A. Pomyalov
    Effect of particle inertia on the turbulence in a suspension. Poster presented at the 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, 24-28 August 2003, Toulouse, France.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Particles-bridge formation inside a porous material. Paper presented at the 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, 24-28 August 2003, Toulouse, France.
  • C. Poelma and G. Ooms
    On turbulent suspensions, Applied Mechanics Review 59 (March 2006) 1-13.
  • G. Ooms and C.Poelma
    Comparison between theoretical predictions and direct numerical simulation results for a decaying turbulent suspension, Phys. Rev. E, (69), 056311, May 2004.
  • S. Guet, G. Ooms, R.V.A. Oliemans and R.F. Mudde
    Bubble size effect on low liquid input drift-flux parameters, Chemical Engineering Science, 59, 3315-3329, 2004.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    On stationary core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe, Phys. Rev. E, 68 (6), 066301(7), 2003.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Fouling by external particles and ultrasonic cleaning of a porous material. SPE Journal 14(1) (2009) 14-29.
  • S. Guet, G. Ooms and R.V.A. Oliemans
    A simplified two-fluid model for airlift efficiency predictions. AIChE-journal 51 (7) (2005) 1885-1896.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    The levitation force on the core in a stationary core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, Italy, September 2004.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Acoustic removal of colloidal particles from Berea sandstone. Presented at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, SPE-paper 86490, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, February 2004.
  • P. Poesio, G. Ooms, J.C.R. Hunt and A. ten Cate
    Interaction and collisions between particles in a linear shear flow near a wall at low Reynolds number, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 555 (2006) 113-130.
  • S. Guet, S. Luther and G. Ooms
    Bubble shape and orientation determination with a four-point optical fibre probe. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, Italy, September 2004.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Removal of particles bridges from a porous material by ultrasonic irradiation, Transport in Porous Media 66(no 3) (2007) 235-257.
  • S. Guet, S. Luther, G. Ooms and R.F. Mudde
    Bubble transverse distribution effects on the airlift efficiency technique, Presented at the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 04, Yokohama, Japan, May 2004, Paper no. 279.
  • S. Guet and G. Ooms
    Hydrodynamic forces and flow instabilities during gaslift operations, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 38 (2006) 225-249.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    Simulation of removal of particle bridge formation by ultrasonic stimulation. Presented at the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Oklahoma, USA, May 2005.
  • P. Poesio, G. Ooms, J.C.R. Hunt and A. ten Cate
    Trends towards particle strings and bridges in a shear flow. Presented at the APS/DFD meeting, Seattle, USA, November 2004.
  • C. Poelma, J. Westerweel and G. Ooms
    Experiments on particle-laden flow. Presented at the APS/DFD meeting, Seattle, USA, November 2004.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    Influence of inertia and gravity on the turbulence in a suspension. Physics of Fluids 17(12) (December 2005) Art. No.125101.
  • G. Ooms
    Life and work of J.M. Burgers in The Netherlands. Presented at the Inaugural Burgers Symposium, University of Maryland, USA, November 2004.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    Streaming in a porous material. Presented at the Inaugural Burgers Symposium, University of Maryland, USA, November 2004.
  • S. Guet, S. Luther and G. Ooms
    Bubble shape and orientation determination with a four-point optical fibre probe, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences, 29(7) (2005) 803-812.
  • C. Poelma, J. Westerweel and G. Ooms
    Turbulence statistics from optical whole-field measurements in particle-laden turbulence, Experiments in Fluids 40(3) (2006) 347-363.
  • M. Descamps, R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms, R.F. Mudde and R. Kusters
    Influence of gas injection on phase inversion in an oil-water flow through a vertical tube, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (2006) 311-322.
  • P. Poesio and G. Ooms
    Review of ultrasonic flowstimulation of the near wellbore region of an oil reservoir, Submitted to Ultrasound.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, R.V.A. Oliemans and R.F. Mudde
    Phase inversion in an oil-water flow through a horizontal pipe, 5th North American Conference on Multiphase Flow Technology, Banff, Canada, 1-2 June 2006.
  • G. Ooms and C. Vuik
    Core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe: hydrodynamic counterbalancing of buoyancy foce on core, 6th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 26-30 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Xiaoyun Tu, Gijs Ooms and Fred van der Bas
    Experimental evidence of ultrasonic stimulation of brine-oil flow through a porous rock in laboratory conditions, Transport in Porous Media 70 (2007) 323-333.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, J. Westerweel, R.V.A. Oliemans and R.F. Mudde
    Experimental investigation of phase inversion in an oil-water flow through a horizontal pipeloop, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (2006) 1087-1099.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, R.V.A. Oliemans and R.F. Mudde
    Phase inversion in an oil-water flow through a pipeloop, 6th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 26-30 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • M. Descamps, R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms, R.F. Mudde and R. Kusters
    Experimental study of the effect of gas injection on oil-water phase inversion in a vertical pipe, 6th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 26-30 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Xiaoyun Tu, Gijs Ooms and Fred van der Bas
    Ultrasonic stimulation of brine-oil flow through a porous rock: experimental verification of a theoretical model, 6th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 26-30 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • M. Descamps, R.V.A. Oliemans, R.F. Mudde and G. Ooms
    Experimental study of air bubble injection on an oil-water flow in a vertical pipe, 13th International Conference on Multiphase Flow Production Technology, Edinburg, Scotland, 2007.
  • M. Descamps, R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms and R.F. Mudde
    Experimental investigation of three-phase flow in a vertical pipe: local characteristics of the gas phase for gas-lift conditions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 33 (2007) 1205-1221.
  • G. Ooms, P. Poesio, C. Poelma, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and J. Westerweel
    Experimental verification of a theoretical model for the influence of particle inertia and of gravity on decaying turbulence in a particle-laden flow, 11th European Turbulence Conference, 25-28 June2007, Porto, Portugal.
  • G. Ooms
    Interaction and collisions between particles in a linear shear flow near a wall at low Reynolds number, Invited Lecture at the 3rd Annual Symposium of the Burgers Program for Fluid Dynamics, 16 November 2006, University of Maryland, USA.
  • K. Piela, G. Ooms, R. Delfos, J. Westerweel and R.V.A. Oliemans
    Phase inversion in an oil-water flow, International Conference on Multiphase Flows 2007 (ICMF-2007), July 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
  • G. Ooms, P. Poesio, C. Poelma, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and J. Westerweel
    Verification of a model to predict the influence of particle inertia and gravity on a decaying turbulent particle-laden flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34(1) (2007) 29-41.
  • C. Poelma, J. Westerweel and G. Ooms
    Particle-fluid interaction in grid-generated turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 589 (2007) 315-350.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, J. Westerweel and R.V.A. Oliemans
    On the phase inversion mechanism in an oil-water flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34(7) (2008) 665-677.
  • G. Ooms, C. Vuik and P. Poesio
    Core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe: hydrodynamic counterbalancing of buoyancy force on core, Physics of Fluids 19 (2007) 092103.
  • M.N. Descamps, R.V.A. Oliemans, G. Ooms and RF. Mudde
    Air-water flow in a vertical pipe: experimental study of air bubbles in the vicinity of the wall, Experiments in Fluids 45(2) (2008) 357-370.
  • K. Piela, P. Poesio, G. Ooms and G.P. Beretta
    Interpretation of phase inversion in liquid-liquid flows by minimal dissipation rate approach, 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems, 30 June-3July 2008, Bialystok, Poland.
  • K. Piela, G. Ooms and J.V. Sengers
    A phenomenological description of phase inversion, Physical Review E 79(2) (2009) 021403.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, J. Westerweel and R.V.A. Oliemans
    Phase inversion in the mixing zone between a water flow and an oil flow through a pipe, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35(1) (2009) 91-95.
  • G. Ooms, C, Vuik and P. Poesio
    Core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe: hydrodynamic counterbalancing of buoyancy force on core, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Palermo, Italy, 7-10 September 2008.
  • K. Piela, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, J. Westerweel and R.V.A. Oliemans
    Dispersed oil-water-gas flow through a horizontal pipe, AIChE-Journal 55(5) (2009) 1090-1102.
  • K. Piela, E. Djojorahardjo, G.J.M. Koper and G. Ooms
    Influence of a surfactant or salt on phase inversion in a water-oil pipe flow, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 87 (2009) 1466-1470.
  • G. Ooms and B.J. Boersma
    The development of truncated inviscid turbulence and the FPU-problem, Chaos 18(4) (2008) 043124.
  • M.J. Bijlard, R.V.A. Oliemans, L.M. Portela and G. Ooms
    DNS analysis of particle-induced turbulence modulation in a channel flow, Submitted to Physics of Fluids.
  • M.J. Bijlard, R.V.A. Oliemans, L.M. Portela and G. Ooms
    DNS analysis of local flow topology in a particle-laden turbulent channel flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 653 (2010) 35-56.
  • K. Piela, G. Ooms and J.V. Sengers
    A phenomenological description of phase inversion, Presented at the 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 8-13 November 2009.
  • G. Ooms, B.J. Boersma and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    Numerical simulation of the spectral development of inviscid helical flows, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 30 (2011) 428-436.
  • G. Ooms, B.J. Boersma and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    Numerical simulation of the spectral development of inviscid helical flows, Presented at The FOM Annual Meeting, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 19-20 January 2010.
  • G. Ooms and B.J. Boersma
    The development of truncated inviscid turbulence and the FPU-problem, Presented at the European Turbulence Conference (ETC12) 7-10 September 2009, Marburg, Germany, (Springer Proceedings in Physics 132 (2009) 689-692.
  • B.U. Felderhof and G. Ooms
    Flow of a viscous compressible fluid in a cicular tube after a sudden point impuls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 668 (2011) 100-112.
  • M.J. Bijlard, R.V.A. Oliemans, L.M. Portela and G. Ooms
    DNS analysis of local flow topology in a particle-laden turbulent channel flow, Presented at the conference “Particles in turbulence”, 16 – 18 March 2011, Potsdam, Germany.
  • G. Ooms and P. Poesio
    Analytical study of slightly eccentric core-annular flow, J.Eng.Math. 85 (2014) 65 – 81.
  • N.G. Warncke, R. Delfos, G. Ooms and J. Westerweel
    Particle entrainment in spherical-cap wakes, Presented at the European Turbulence Conference 13, 12-15 September 2011, Warsaw, Poland.
  • G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and P. Poesio
    Numerical study of eccentric core-annular flow, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 42 (2012) 74-79.
  • G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and P. Poesio
    Numerical study of eccentric core-annular flow, Invited lecture presented at a symposium in honour of Jan Sengers’ 80th birthday, University of Maryland, 16 November 2011.
  • N.G.W. Warncke, R. Delfos, G. Ooms, D. van der Plas and J. Westerweel
    Entrainment of small particles in the wake of a spherical cap, Submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  • G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and P. Poesio
    Lubrication model versus flying-core model for core-annular flow, Invited lecture presented at a symposium in honour of Leen van Wijngaarden’s 80th birthday, Twente University, 16 March 2012.
  • P. Poesio, G. Ooms and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    Numerical study of the effect of turbulence on eccentric core-annular flow, Presented at 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, 9 – 13 September 2012.
  • G. Ooms and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    Direct numerical simulation of eccentric core-annular flow, Invited lecture presented at AMIS 2012, 19 – 22 June 2012, Chambery France.
  • G. Ooms and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    On the levitation force in horizontal core-annular flow with a large viscosity ratio and small density ratio, Physics of Fluids 25 (2013) 032102.
  • J.C. Beerens, G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie, J. Westerweel
    A comparison between numerical predictions and theoretical and experimental results for core-annular flow, AIChE journal 60(8) (2014) 3046.
  • G. Ooms, J.C. Beerens, M.J.B.M. Pourquie, J. Westerweel
    Validation of code for numerical simulation of core-annular flow, Presented at the Tekna conference, 25-26 September 2013, Stavanger, Norway.
  • S.M. Park, G. Ooms and M.J.B.M. Pourquie
    Numerical simulation of laminar core-annular flow in a 90 degree bend, Paper presented at the 8th Int. Conf. on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, 20-22 April 2015, Valencia, Spain. See also: WIT Tansactions on Engineering Sciences, Multiphase Flow 2015, DOI 10.2495/MPF 150231.
  • G. Ooms
    Cooperation between the Burgers Program and the J.M. Burgerscentre,Lecture presented on the occasion of the 10-year jubilee of the Burgers Program, 13 November 2014, University of Maryland, USA.
  • H. Kim, C. Poelma, G. Ooms and J. Westerweel
    Experimental and theoretical study of dewetting corner flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 762 (2015) 393-416.
  • G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and J. Westerweel
    Numerical simulation of core-annular flow in a torus, Accepted by the AIChE Journal 61(7) (2015) 2319-2328.
  • J. Eisma, J. Westerweel, G. Ooms and G.E. Elsinga
    Interfaces and internal layers in a turbulent boundary layer, Physics of Fluids 27 (2015) 055103.
  • M.J.B.M. Pourquie and G. Ooms
    Influence of pipe curvature on the stability of core-annular flow, Paper to be submitted for presentation at the ICNAAM2015 conference, 23-29 September 2015, Rhodos, Greece.
  • Eduard Ingen Housz, Gijsbert Ooms, Ruud Henkes, Mathieu Pourquie, Anton Kidess and Rhoheth Radhakrishnan.
    A comparison between numerical predictions and experimental results for core-annular flow with a turbulent annulus. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 95 (2017) 271-282.
  • Eduard Ingen Housz, Gijsbert Ooms, Ruud Henkes, Mathieu Pourquie, Anton Kidess and Rhoheth Radhakrishnan.
    Experiments for core-annular flow (to study the levitation mechanism and the effect of bends). ICMF 2016, Firenze (Italy), May 22-27, 2016.
  • Erik van Duin, Ruud Henkes and Gijs Ooms
    Influence of oil viscosity on oil-water core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe. 14th International Conference Multiphase Flow In Industrial Plant Desenzano, Italy, 13-15 September 2017.
  • Erik van Duin, Ruud Henkes and Gijs Ooms
    Influence of oil viscosity on oil-water core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe. Submitted for publication in Journal Petroleum.
  • S.A. Konings, M.J.B.M. Pourquie, R.A.W.M. Henkes and G. Ooms
    Simulations for core-annular flow in a horizontal pipe. Paper submitted for presentation at the 11th North American Conference on Multiphase ProductionTechnology, Banff, Canada, 6-8 June 2018.
  • Gabriele Chinello, Anis Awal Ayati, Don McGlinchey, Gijs Ooms and Ruud Henkes
    Comparison of computational fluid dynamics simulation for stratified air-water flows in pipes, J. Fluids Engineering 2019 141(5), 051302
  • Erik van Duin, Ruud Henkes and Gijs Ooms
    Influence of oil viscosity on oil-water core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe, Petroleum 5 (2019), 199-205
  • Fan Jiang, Haoyu Li, Mathieu Pourquie, Gijs Ooms and Ruud Henkes
    Simulation of the hydrodynamics on the onset of fouling for oil-water core-annular flow in a horizontal pipe, J. Petroleum Science and Engineering 207  (2021), 109084
  • H. Li, M.J.B.M. Pourquie, G. Ooms and R.A.W.M. Henkes
    Simulation of turbulent horizontal oil-water core-annular flow with a low -Reynolds number k-e model, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 142 (2021), 103744
  • G. Ooms, M.J.B.M. Pourquie and D. See-Wai Tam
    Three-dimensional numerical study of the combined stroke swimmer, A.I.P. Advances 12  (2022), 105004
  • H. Li, M.J.B.M. Pourquie, G. Ooms and R.A.W.M. Henkes
    Simulation of turbulent annulus with interfacial waves in core-annular pipe flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 154 (2022), 104152
  • Li, H., Pourquié, M.J.B.M., Ooms, G., & Henkes
    (2023). Simulation of vertical core-annular flow with a turbulent annulus. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 167, 104551.
  • Li, H., Pourquié, M.J.B.M., Ooms, G., & Henkes, R.A.W.M.
    (2023). Turbulence and waves in oil-water pipe flow. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Nice, France, 26th–28th June 2023, pp. 291-305.
  • Li, H., Pourquié, M.J.B.M., Ooms, G., & Henkes, R.A.W.M.
    (2023). Wave growth in horizontal core annular flow with turbulent annulus. Submitted for publication.
  • Li, H., Pourquié, M. J. B. M., Ooms, G., & Henkes, R.A.W M.
    (2024). DNS and RANS for core-annular flow with a turbulent annulus. . International Journal of Multiphase Flow 174, 104733.
  • Ooms, G. & Pourquié, M. J. B. M.
    (2024). Two-dimensional numerical analysis of waves at the interface of laminar core-annular flow in vertical pipe: detailed investigation of influence of several physical parameters. Petroleum Science and Engineering 8(1), 7-15.