Prof. dr. ir. Gijsbert Ooms

professor of fluid mechanics

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Researcher at the Laboratory for Aero- & Hydrodynamics of the Technological University Delft

Per 1 July 2014 retired as: Scientific director of the J.M. Burgerscentrum (national research school for fluid mechanics in The Netherlands). Professor of fluid mechanics at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Scientific director of the Research Centre ‘Fluid and Solid Mechanics’ of the Federation of the three Technological Universities in The Netherlands.

LNG Committee

As chairman of the LNG-committee of the Topsector Energy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs co-responsible for the selection of research proposals from industries, technological institutes and university groups.

University of Maryland

Together with prof. dr. Jan Sengers of the University of Maryland responsible for the publishing of autobiographical notes of prof. dr. Jan Burgers. A review about the life of Burgers at Maryland is in progress.

Oil-water core-annular flow

With student E. Ingen Housz, R Henkes, M Pourquie and ir. A Kidess a study has been made of oil-water core-annular flow through a pipe. Accepted for presentation at the ICMF2016 in May 2016 at Firenze.


"Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht."
Albert Einstein